InterGlobe Foundation (IGF) has partnered with Gram Vikas, Bhubaneshwar to undertake community-owned afforestation work on 60 acres of land in 2 villages of Thuamul Rampur block in Odisha. The project will lead to biodiversity regeneration and an improved land and water situation. It will also result in an increased tree cover from the current 10 acres to 70 acres and sequestration of 19,200 tons of CO2 over the life time of these plantations.
Combating the COVID crisis – An example from Thuamul Rampur, Odisha:
To support the community during the crisis, and respond to the economic crunch faced by them, Gram Vikas through the IGF supported afforestation project is providing opportunities for local income generation. Activities such as Land development works and plantation under the project have directly supported the community by generating wages locally as well rehabilitating the local ecology in the long run. Given the ongoing crisis, these initiatives were opened up to the habitants of nearby villages as well in order to support more families that are vulnerable. Here is a short video by our partner that shares glimpses of the works undertaken.